The lecturers in the Bachelor of English (BoE) program are involved in research for developing personal capabilities to enhance teaching and learning in Udayana University. They participate in university grant, national grant, and international grant of research. The university grant organised by Udayana, in particular, offers a variety of grant schemes, as follows:
- young lecturer research scheme
- research group of Udayana University
- research for improving capabilities of department in Udayana University
- research for international collaboration
- Udayana University excellent research
- Udayana University invention research
- publication and promotion of professor research, and
- entrepreneur candidate research
Research in the BoE program is part of collaboration between lecturers and students. Students are involved in lecturers' research as fieldwork staff to collect the data, data analyzer, and assistant staff for classifying the data. The collaboration is also related to the continuity of research when small portion of lecturers' research is implemented as the undergraduate thesis of student in English department.